Launch of the AGEADAPT project in Germany

At the beginning of December 2021, the kick-off meeting of the international consortium of the new ERASMUS+ project on use of the 55+ workforce potential in SMEs, AGEADAPT - Adaptation Tools for Ageing Workforce in SMEs, took place in Schwerin, North Germany. During the meeting the leading partner informed all the project partners about the objectives of the project, the individual deliverables (6 in total), the timetable and the financial aspects of the project. The project aims to create a system of educational materials about age management for SMEs and learning materials for workers aged 55+. The main target groups are: - the small and medium-sized companies that need to prepare for the changing age structure in order to not struggle with their workforce in the near future, - experienced workers above the age of 55 and their need to update their knowledge in independent usage of digital tools in work life, - educational organizations, advisors, consultants, external bodies, non-governmental organizations etc. The main objectives and goals are to provide the ageing workforce with user friendly, simple learning materials to help them adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of their work, to gain practical knowledge in age management and digital technologies, to be digital literate in times that require such competence, and to fully use the potential of senior employees and making them