The Final Multiplier Event of the AGEADAPT Project
The final multiplier event of the Erasmus+ project AGEADAPT: Adaptation Tools for Ageing Workforce in SMEs, called GET TO KNOW AGEADAPT took place at the almost end of the project lifetime at the end of October 2023 in Prague, the Czech Republic. The event was a successful conclusion of the two-year international project within the Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education. The aim of the event was to introduce the participants to the project and its main outputs, especially the State-of-the-Art Report, Inspirational Educational Materials (OERs) for SMEs containing Examples of Best Practices, Adaptation Guidelines for Companies, Micro-learning Videos, Learning Materials with textual content, and the Digital Educational Platform. All the mentioned materials were presented with instructions on how to access them for free on the project website. The conference, among others, began with an introduction to the entire project, its outcomes, and the developed materials, including the introduction of the interactive project website. The audience, comprising more than 20 small and medium-sized business owners, managers, age management experts, leaders, HR specialists, representatives from non-governmental organizations, and the general public from the Czech Republic, displayed remarkable enthusiasm. Judging by their reactions, the presented materials offer valuable practical insights. Following the conference, participants engaged in discussions regarding age management requirements in their respective companies and seized the opportunity to network. Based on the